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Ex-presidents and MPs briefly barred from leaving Mogadishu for Beletweyne

Sunday November 10, 2019


MOGADISHU (HOL) - Former Presidents Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Sheikh Sharif Ahmed were held back from traveling to Beletweyne for a couple of hours in Mogadishu Sunday.

The leaders and MPs allied to the newly formed Forum for National Parties who were scheduled to travel to Beletweyne to deliver humanitarian supplies at about 9am left the airport two hours later.

MPs who spoke to the media said the opposition group was barred from travelling since Prime Minister Hassan Khaire was also scheduled to head to the floods ravaged town in central Somalia.

The Prime Minister was in Bardale town in Bay region Saturday where he met with families displaced by the current floods.

Former President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed was blocked in September 22 from traveling to Kismayu to attend then inauguration of Jubbaland president Ahmed Madobe.

Relations between the opposition groups and the government has been rocky in recent months amid accusations by the opposition against the federal government of suppressing freedom of expression and movement.